Wednesday, 10 September 2014

How to succeed in achieving your goal

How to succeed in achieving your goal

Firstly you need to have a SMART goal. For example, losing 5 kilos in 6 months. Is it SMART?

Specific – the more specific, the better
Measurable- you need to be able to monitor it
Attractive – if it’s not you won’t do it
Realistic – Needs to be realistic and practical
Time framed – you need to have a time when you are going to achieve it.

The next step is to work out the strategies you are going to take to reach your goal. These are the ‘how’, the small steps that you act on every day and every week. Unless you can work out the ‘how’ then the goal stays as a dream. In a case like losing weight, it is probably fairly straightforward to work out how you are going to do it, but with some other goals it might be a bit more difficult.

Once you decide on the strategies or steps then it is a matter of acting on them. It might be good to review them after a period of time to see how they are going. Are you making progress towards your goal? If so, then keep on doing the same strategies, if not, then try something else. So, if losing weight, you might try the 5-2 diet or the CSIRO wellbeing diet for a month or two and see how you go. It would be important to monitor the food you eat and your weekly weight. If you are eating less, then you are more likely to lose weight.

In addition to eating less, you could also exercise more. Exercise will help you tone up and it has many health benefits.

It’s a good idea to keep a journal of your daily or weekly progress so that you can look back in the future and see what worked, what didn’t work and what challenged you. Then it will be easier to put steps and strategies into place that work for you. When you monitor and review your progress it makes it easier to reach your goal.

When you are unsure of the steps that you should take to achieve your goal, it is important to do some research to find out. You might find a book written on the subject, or you might find some people to talk to who have the information you require. You could also find a life coach who will guide you to find the information you need. You will find that results are faster if you do have a life coach. Contact me at Directions Coaching to get started today.

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